BFA Boatos Fine Arts
São Paulo, BR
, preencher o interlúdio sem quebrá-lo,
Germano Dushá
in.ter.lú.dio s.m.
1 mús composição instrumental com a função de separar partes musicais, litúrgicas ou cênicas
(p.ex., trecho tocado em órgão entre as estrofes de um hino, ou entre as cenas de uma ópera etc.)
3 rád em radioteatro, intervalo entre duas cenas
4 teat m.q. entreato ('representação entre dois atos')
5 fig. lapso de tempo que interrompe provisoriamente alguma coisa; interregno1
À figura de um galho comum, decompondo-se, justapõe-se uma nova, com a mesma forma, de um galho esculpido em bronze – à moda dos bustos e grandes monumentos. É a aparição de um duplo, que a medida que espreita e espelha o outro, indica um distanciamento incomensurável, um nada, que paradoxalmente, nos tenta a imaginar como ocupá-lo sem que nos escape.
Osciladas as nossas frágeis noções de temporalidade e seus engavetamentos em horas, dias e anos, vivemos fora do momento: caímos no vazio. Vislumbramos a crueza do tempo, em seu fluxo irascível, que a tudo arrasta, initerruptamente. À deriva no vácuo, nos damos conta do peso da finitude absoluta, que recai sobre toda e qualquer coisa, seja o que lutamos para tornar imperturbável e perene, ou o pueril, que some fácil, que passa rápido.
É na possibilidade de pensar esses intervalos que se dão os trabalhos aqui reunidos. Através de exercícios que abrem fendas no interior dos esforços cotidianos, a artista flexiona, reproduz, transpõe e preenche formas, relacionando fenômenos e objetos ordinários com determinadas tentativas de registro e documentação.
Surgem então combinações improváveis entre elementos recolhidos da natureza orgânica ou encontrados corriqueiramente no cenário urbano e materiais comuns à construção civil e à prática escultórica. Cada gesto, no entanto, se concretiza exatamente ao apontar para o que não se faz ver: o espaço do meio, o espaço ausente.
1 Grande Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa
, to fill the interlude without breaking it,
Germano Dushá
in.ter.lude n.
1 An intervening episode, feature, or period of time: "Kerensky has a place in history, of a brief
interlude between despotisms" (William Safire)
2 a. A short farcical entertainment performed between the acts of a medieval mystery or morality
play. b. A 16th-century genre of comedy derived from this. c. An entertainment between the acts of a play.
3 Music A short piece inserted between the parts of a longer composition.1
A figure of a common tree twig lays in its process of decomposition, juxtaposed by a new one with the same form, yet sculpted in bronze – in the fashion of classic busts
and monuments. It’s the apparition of its own double, and while it approaches and mirrors the other, it also reveals the incommensurable distance between both, the very nothingness, which tempts us to, paradoxically, occupy its content without letting it escape or collapse.
Upon our fluctuating and fragile notions of temporality – and its pile-up of hours, days and years – we locate ourselves outside the present moment: plunged into the
emptiness. We catch a glimpse of the raw matter of time and its unforgiving flow, continuously dragging everything with and within it. Adrift in this void, we perceive the weight of an absolute finitude embracing anything and everything, from our conceptions of the undisrupted and immutable, to what easily vanishes away.
The works gathered here inhabit the possibility of grasping and recognizing these intervals. Through strategies that cut open gaps upon the interior of our daily efforts, the artist inflects, reproduces, transposes, and fills forms examining attempts to arrest and document ordinary objects and phenomena.
And so we face unlikely combinations bounded by elements collected from the organic natural world or stumbled upon mundanely in urban scenarios, with materials commonly used for constructive and sculptural purposes. Each act, however, is only completed in consequence of the identification of what is not to be
seen: the space in between, the vacant space.
1 The Free Dictionary
Undertow ,2015
carpet, concrete, and plaster
06/16/2015 - How do I know you are who you say you are, 2015
branch and copy of the branch in bronze
Platform, 2015
concrete, pecan, and lead ball
Big bang bang baang bang-bang, 2015
sea shells filled with lead and cement, cement and resin egg box
Two Nights, 2015
one painting of the color of the sky in the night before the opening and a painting of the color of the sky in the night after the closure of the same exhibition
Castaway, 2015
turned on radio tuned on a news station buried on the ground
Slepper V, 2015